IMMAs Searchable Database

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To select:

Status: Choose from the dropdown list the status of the area.

Region: Type in at least the first three letters of a specific region and select it from a short list in the dropdown menu

Title: Type in at least the first three letters of the name of a particular IMMA, cIMMA or AoI, and a filtered list will appear below, from which your choice can be selected

Criteria: Choose one criteria from the dropdown list. Multiple choices are allowed

Species (both qualifying and supporting): Type in the scientific name of the species of interest here. While typing, the data table will show only the records matching the characters typed Note that for practical reasons, the species that meet the criterion for D2 - diversity - are normally listed as 'supporting species' unless D2 is the only criterion applied to an IMMA, in which case all qualifying D2 species are listed.

Location: Type the name of a country or appropriate jurisdiction here. Note that a country is associated with an IMMA, cIMMA or AoI if any portion of its EEZ or territorial waters is found to lie within its boundaries, according to the 'Maritime Boundaries V11' shapefile available from