De nouvelles Aires Importantes pour les Mammifères Marins (IMMAs) mettent en évidence les habitats des baleines et des dauphins nécessitant une protection dans la Caraïbe et l’Atlantique Nord-Ouest

Nuevas Áreas Marinas Importantes para Mamíferos Marinos (IMMAs) destacan hábitats de ballenas que necesitan protección en el Atlántico Noroccidental y el Caribe

New Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) spotlight whale habitats needing protection in the NW Atlantic and Caribbean


Reconocimiento internacional de los icónicos paraísos de ballenas y delfines de la costa atlántica sudamericana

33 novas Áreas de Importância para Mamíferos Marinhos Aprovadas no Atlântico Sul Ocidental

33 new Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) approved in an expanding portfolio of global ocean areas awaiting conservation measures

36 new candidate Important Marine Mammal areas (cImmas) announced in the North East Atlantic and Baltic Sea

IMMA Secretariat Travels to Karachi to Help Implement Important Marine Mammal Areas in the coastal waters of the Arabian Sea

The Bazaruto Archipelago to Inhambane Bay IMMA drives new conservation efforts in southern Mozambique

159 Important Marine Mammal Areas—Stepping Stones to Conservation—Now Stretch Across the Southern Hemisphere

13 Important Marine Mammal Areas approved in the Southern Ocean: one of the world’s richest marine mammal areas

IUCN Work Defines Habitat for Last Population of Dugong in East Africa

Record number of candidate IMMAs awarded in Western Indian Ocean and Arabian Seas